
What does "Pentecostal" mean?

In Acts chapter two, there is an account of the disciples of Jesus receiving the Holy Spirit.  It happens as they are gathered together to commemorate the feast of Pentecost.  It is marked with amazing displays of God's power.  Being a Pentecostal church means we believe that God is still able and willing to act in similarly amazing ways.  We believe that God performs miracles and that He gives those that trust in Him special - spiritual - gifts.  (see 1 Corinthians 12-14; Romans 12)

What does a typical service look like?

When we gather, we usually begin by singing.  A worship leader with a guitar or a piano will lead the congregation in singing songs - some traditional hymns, and many (more contemporary) songs.  We then take a few moments to pray for our community and those in our church who are in need.  Then someone, usually the pastor, will get up and give a 30-40 minute teaching from the Bible.  It may be a message of comfort, or of encouragement, or perhaps a challenge to be more like Jesus.  We then close the service by receiving our weekly tithes and offerings, and singing another song.  A typical service is approximately 75 minutes.

Do I have to give in the offering?

We believe that giving generously is an essential part of Christian worship.  God gave generously, and we like to give as well.  The money we raise through our weekly offerings goes to pay the expenses of the church and support community outreach efforts.  If you are a guest you are not expected to give, though you are welcome to if you wish.  

What do I have to believe?

Hope Church is open to everyone regardless of their beliefs (or lack thereof).  We base our operations and conduct on the Bible, and it is our sincere hope that all will seriously consider the message that God conveys through it.

Will I be welcome as a guest?

When you arrive, you will receive a smile, a cwtch (hug) if you are open to it, a welcoming handshake and a warm introduction from our members.  At the conclusion, you will most likely have a cup or two of tea or coffee and some biscuits or cake.  Yes, you will definitely be welcome at BPC.

Should I wear anything special?

Not unless you want to!  If you feel most comfortable in jeans, wear jeans.  If you want to wear a tie, wear a tie.  You are more important than the clothes you wear.

What kind of music do you feature?

We enjoy a variety of music, from hymns to Hillsong, "Jesus Saves" to Jesus Culture.  

Who is Jesus?

At Hope Church, it all boils down to this question.  Consider this story from Mark 8:  

Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?” 

They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.”

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.”

Is Jesus just a "good teacher"?  Was he a lunatic who believed he was god?  Or was he telling the truth when he said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  We believe he is the Son of God who takes away the sin of the world.  

Come hear about Jesus and consider this question yourself!